Web Links: Artist Profiles and Podcast Interviews
Bridgette Mayer Gallery: Tim McFarlane artist page
Instagram: @timmcfarlane_studio
Artist & Place Podcast: Time & The Cracks Between Things
Fox Philly (video): Abstract artist uses creativity to make stunning art
Create! Magazine-Creativity Is A Journey: Interview with Tim McFarlane
Grand Image Artist Spotlight: Tim McFarlane
The Truth in This Art: Tim McFarlane Podcast Interview
Petrucci Family Foundation Collection of African-American Art: Tim McFarlane
Tim McFarlane: Interview with Brainard Carey
Artura.Org: Tim McFarlane-Prints in the Brandywine Workshop collection
Artblog: "All Night Party" at Towson University
Tap Into Your Creativity with Sandra Felemovicious-Tim McFarlane YouTube Studio Interview