Interviews and Profiles
Conversations With Artists
In May 2024, I participated in the ongoing artist interview project, Conversations With Artists. This is a great place for anyone to start if you're unfamiliar with me, my work and thoughts about art.
Conversations With Artists: Tim McFarlane
Canvas Rebel
I recently did an interview on Canvas Rebel that sheds light on my creative background along with themes and concepts that are the foundations of my studio work. Visit the link here:
Canvas Rebel: Meet Tim McFarlane
ArtShow with Craig Stover
I sat down with Craig Stover for a fun interview for his artist profile series called ArtShow. See the inverview here:
ArtShow with artist Tim McFarlane
I was featured on "The 215", a show dedicated to arts programming on the local Fox affiliate:
Tim McFarlane Fox 29-Philadelphia interview Feature