bridgette mayer gallery

Installation photos of works in various exhibitions, 2013-2024

artwork by Tim McFarlane
artwork by Tim McFarlane
Tim McFarlane: Large Bright Corner

Tomorrow's Conversations is a woodblock print project completed in the summer of 2020. In late 2019, I was invited by the Brandywine Workshop (Philadelphia, PA) to create a special print project based on my glyph imagery. To realize this project, I worked with master printer, Alexis Nutini in creating a series of woodblocks made with a digitally run router. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we had to maintain minimal contact and communicated mostly over calls and emails. Through those emails, I gave Alexis instructions on color and placement of the plates on the page. We did meet in person for three important printing days. 

Tomorrow's Conversations is a variable edition of 34 prints. All of the prints utilize one or more of five woodblocks to create many variations out of a limited number of blocks and colors. Eash print measures 29.5" x 21.5". 15 of the 34 prints are available for purchase through the Bridgette Mayer Gallery and can be seen and purchased via this link: Tim McFarlane: Tomorrow's Conversations

Tim McFarlane, Tomorrow's Conversations, print 5 of 34
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